Si è svolto nella sede della Roma Lazio Film Commission un importante incontro sulle strategie di sviluppo in Etiopia e nei paesi africani dei programmi…
Controluce promuove il cinema italiano, insieme a sceneggiatori e registi, in sette college e università negli Stati Uniti
Dear Guest,It is our pleasure and honor to invite you to attend the Rio de Janeiro Int’l Film Festival and its RioMarket, to take place…
Resoconto Italian Films al Cape Town International Market and Festival October 9 -19, 2018 – ITALY GUEST OF HONOUR A sinistra: Antonio Falduto (Controluce), Bettina…
Italy wins 4 award at the Cape Town Film festival! This is an encouragement to show these film not just at festival but also…
The great relationship between Italy and South African cinema which has grown in the course of the last years since the signing of the co-production…
Italian Film Authors and Producers will join the Cape Town International Film Market and Festival to continue a fruitful professional relationship with the SA Film…