Like Turtles | Come le tartarughe
by Monica Dugo
Italy 2022 82′
Daniele, Lisa, Sveva and Paolo, an apparently perfect middle-class family in a beautiful house in the historic center of Rome One day the husband empties the closet and leaves away.
The empty wardrobe becomes, for Lisa, the ideal place to take refuge and work out the separation.
Sveva, the sixteen year old daughter, does everything to get her out, not accepting the bizarre behavior of the mother and the inexplicable absence for her, of the father.
Daniele will not return home, but Lisa will be able, thanks to the love of her children and a newfound strength, to take the first step to overcome the pain.
Monica Dugo, Romana Maggiora Vergano, Edoardo Boschetti, Francesco Gheghi, Angelo Libri, Sandra Collodel, Annalisa Insardà
Festivals & awards:
- Festival do Rio 2022: Mostra Panorama
- La Biennale di Venezia 2022: Biennale College – Cinema